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Month: <span>July 2007</span>

Latest Posts
Bugs We’ve Found <BETA>

I’ve had a few requests for a centralized placed where people can place information on bugs that have been found….

Oracle Workspace Manager in Oracle XE

Have started to play around with GeoMedia Transaction Manager 6.0 some this week. I hadn’t used it since its 5.2…

Upcoming NCIGUC User’s Group Meeting

For those that are local to the San Francisco Bay Area, we’re having our next Northern California Intergraph Geospatial User’s…

Great (Geo)TIFF Resource

Sorry, didn’t get a chance to post yesterday. Will try and get a few up today and will start doing…

Creating a Hyperlink from a Point in GeoMedia to Google Maps

After spending much of yesterday moving text around, I decided to look at something different today. We have an application…

Edit Text Command in GeoMedia 6.0!?!?

Is it just me or did somebody sneak the Edit Text command in the Edit menu of GeoMedia 6.0 when…

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