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July 9, 2007

Edit Text Command in GeoMedia 6.0!?!?

Is it just me or did somebody sneak the Edit Text command in the Edit menu of GeoMedia 6.0 when I wasn’t looking???? I was so excited that it was part of GeoMedia 6.1. I had NO idea it was part of 6.0.

On the bright side, with 6.1, they’ve apparently really enhanced the functionality. You now have an Edit > Text submenu. In there you’ve go three commands:

  1. Select Text – This allows you to find a text string inside of a piece of text geometry. You can even get into the rich text characteristics like color, font, etc.
  2. Edit Text – Like the command in 6.0
  3. Redigitize Text – You can actually modify the text and have it follow a river, street, or other linear feature. The kerning is MUCH improved over 6.0…much improved indeed. It kinda reminds me of MapText’s Label-Edit software.
Posted in GeoMedia, GeoMedia 6.1 Beta, Intergraph
  • Trevor Burgan

    Jeff- Can you post some other 6.1 highlights for those that didn’t make it to the conference?

    8:23 am July 10, 2007 Reply
  • Trevor,

    I will check into this and if there’s not a problem, I will do this – great idea. BTW – I didn’t make the conference either – I’ve been working off and on with the GM Pro 6.1 Beta.

    Stay tuned….

    9:53 am July 10, 2007 Reply
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