I went to the Intergraph web site to obtain a URL for the GeoRaster expansion pack. While looking for the URL, I just found out that Intergraph has put all of their expansion packs, hotfixes, etc. behind a secure login. Not sure what the thinking was in doing this. But, thought I’d pass along the information.
My old support login allowed me to access the downloads section. So, if you have a login to file worksheets with Intergraph, you should be able to access the support section very easily. If you don’t have a login, the site provides an email address you can use to request a login and password.
Thought I’d pass along the information. So, if you don’t have a login, you might want to make the request from Intergraph now so that you can download the next hotfix or expansion pack when its released.
Limiting access to free software tools is a bad move on Intergraph’s part. Why they seem to always make the wrong choice is beyond me. I think your website offers more insight to the inner workings of the GeoMedia suite of products that anything Intergraph maintains. Keep it up!
I agree. Intergraph continues to amaze me with their lack of customer relation skill. It’s been a week since I found out I had to “log in” to check for hot fixes and it still ticks me off.
I think it is a very sad and wrong decision… It has no sense.
Bad decision, and extremely inconvenient. I’ve been trying to get to a hotfix download for much of the afternoon. I don’t remember what my Intergraph login was, but after about five attempts, my IP address got locked out – to wait 30-minutes before getting another shot. So I was going to CALL technical support, but the number wasn’t easy to find on their site, either. I did a generic Google search, hoping to glean the Intergraph phone support number (that’s how I found this site) but got shut down on this avenue by having now run out of time before closing!
A couple months ago Ingr sent out a poll to ask if their website and the new stuff was good, and asked for comments. Did anyone here do that? What were your comments?