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July 30, 2007

New Hotfixes

For those that are using GeoMedia WebMap or GeoMedia WebMap Professional, Intergraph has released some hotfixes to upgrade to They are dated July 12, however I didn’t know about them until today.

GeoMedia WebMap Hotfix

GeoMedia WebMap Professional Hotfix

GeoMedia WebMap Publisher

I will attempt to post hotfix releases when I find out – at least for the major products. However I encourage others to let me know about a hotfix if they don’t see it on the site.

Posted in GeoMedia, Hotfix
  • “I will attempt to post hotfix releases when I find out – at least for the major products……”

    Good idea, although this would be INGR’s job imo.
    I wonder how long it will take for INGR to realize, that it would be easy and MEANINGFUL to offer a RSS or/and a newsletter to let at least their registered customers know when a new hotfix has been released automaticly.

    I talked about this idea repeatedly to INGR officials in the past – and they always agreed – but never made it real……

    3:47 am August 2, 2007 Reply
  • Couldn’t agree more!! I would try and send them out when I was with Intergraph to customers in my area. However it should be an automatic push IMO as well.

    11:00 am August 2, 2007 Reply
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