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January 2, 2008

A Few New Purchases Towards the End of Last Year

Towards the end of last year I received quite a bit of new software and hardware. On the hardware side were a couple of new Trimble GeoXH GPS units. These can deliver sub-foot GPS points once post-processed. With time, the goal is to slowly but surely adjust our maps to be GPS quality. This will definitely take at least three years and a lot of learning. So…expect some postings on GPS usage in the future….

On the software side, I purchased the following:

  1. GeoMedia WebMap (finally)
  2. Oracle Spatial upgrade
  3. MapText Label-Web
  4. MapText Label-EZ
  5. MapText Label-Edit

I’ve spent time on #1 and #2 before on my blog, but don’t think I’ve ever touched on the MapText products. So, over the next couple of days I’m going to spend some time on both products. Needless to say, if you haven’t heard of the company or its products, I HIGHLY encourage you to take a look at their web site and a few of their samples. To put it simply, MapText produces the best software on the market (without a doubt) for the labeling of maps – both on the web (via Label-Web and GeoMedia WebMap) or on paper (via Label-EZ and Label-Edit).

Tomorrow I’ll go over Label-Web and then I’ll touch on Label-EZ and Label-Edit next week.

Until then…

Posted in GeoMedia, Intergraph, Oracle Database, Trimble
  • Trevor


    Can you give me a ballpark on cost for the MapText products? E-mail is fine if you don’t want to post it in the comments…


    8:46 pm January 3, 2008 Reply
  • I’ll send it via email as I’m not sure MapText wants their prices quoted. FYI – if you’d like to get a hold of the salesperson – his email is rishi.mehra@maptext.com.

    7:15 pm January 7, 2008 Reply
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